Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Our condensed journey to now

In the 90's we started the journey towards adoption, we eventually were lucky enough to have a cheerful little boy placed with us. A couple of years later we were able to adopt a baby girl, we couldn't believe our good fortune. We had relatively little preparation for either adoption and certainly knew nothing about attachment theories, we naively thought that adopting such young children would be fairly plain sailing!

Our son seems relatively stable despite his rocky start prior to moving in with us. He is now a fairly "normal" teenager, a bit lazy and a bit of attitude but caring and confident, seemingly dealing with his adoption story and us in a balanced way. 

Our daughter however is a very troubled soul, she had no one constant in her first months of life and has a very difficult adoption story to get her head around. She was late to smile as a baby and bonding was difficult, she was very demanding at nursery and labelled "naughty" at primary school, had few friends and got into a lot of scrapes. Behavioural issues magnified on change to secondary school. She is now a teenager, angry at life in general and severely lacking in self esteem.

We started to get organised support to help with our challenges, from CAMHS and social services a few years ago. We are lucky as they continue to support us well.

I started tweeting recently and so a blog seemed the next step, it was also in competition with my husband who has just started blogging too!
Won't be complex, just short thoughts, Let me know what you think!
Ps I don't look like this, hardly ever wear heels anymore and certainly don't have the figure to match!

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